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PADI Freediver


Freediver Course

Product information


Level: Beginner

Duration : 2-3 days


Low Volume MaskSnorkelFinsWetsuitWeight SystemFreediving Computer


  • Day 1: Freediving Principles and Breath-hold Techniques
  • Day 2: Static and Dynamic Apnea
  • Day 3: Open Water Sessions
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Delve into the serene and challenging world of freediving with our Freediver course. This program is designed for those looking to explore the underwater realm in the most natural and purest form. Learn the fundamentals of breath-hold diving including breathing, safety, and buoyancy techniques. Gain the confidence and skills to perform static and dynamic apnea, followed by sessions in the open water where you will apply your new abilities to dive to depths of up to 16 meters (52 feet).

What will you learn in the Basic Freediving Course?

In the Basic Freediving Course, you will embark on an introductory journey into breath-hold diving. You'll learn the fundamental techniques of freediving, including breath control, safety procedures, and efficient movement underwater. The course covers the basics of physiology, how to manage breath-holding, and techniques for static and dynamic apnea. This is a foundational course designed to give you a solid understanding of freediving principles and prepare you for more advanced training.

How do I start my freediving training?

You can start your freediving training by enrolling in a Basic Freediving Course with a certified instructor. The course often begins with online or classroom-based theory sessions, followed by practical training in a pool or confined water. During these sessions, you'll practice breath-holding techniques, learn about safe freediving practices, and develop the skills necessary for efficient underwater swimming. The course is structured to ensure a comfortable and gradual introduction to the sport of freediving.


Good health, reasonable fitness, and comfort in the water, Minimum age of 12

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